Mr. Chaowchai Jiemvijid attended the meeting with Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives along with entrepreneurs and the Durian Fruit Association.
Mr. Chaowchai Jiemvijid attended the meeting with Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives along with entrepreneurs and the Durian Fruit Association.
Mr. Chaowchai Jiemvijid attended the meeting with Department of Agriculture,
Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives along with entrepreneurs and the Durian Fruit Association.

Mr. Chaowchai Jiemvijid, Chairman of the Southern China Border and Cross-Border Trade Subcommittee Thai Chamber of Commerce and Board of Trade of Thailand Attended a meeting with the Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives along with entrepreneurs and the Durian Fruit Association on Thai durian and export standards to the world market
Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives along with entrepreneurs and the Durian Fruit Association.

To exchange views related to pricing. and Thai durian export standards To get to the real issue Including guidelines for driving forward to further action.